How the Internet Works

The Internet is a marvel of modern technology, allowing us to connect, communicate, and share information with anyone across the globe in mere seconds. Ever wondered how a video travels from a server to your smartphone or how millions can watch a live sports event online simultaneously? In this blog, we'll explore the fascinating journey of the Internet, from its inception to its current state, breaking down its key components and how they work together to create the interconnected world we live in today.


An image showing the internet


The Evolution of the Internet


The evolution of the Internet is a captivating journey that spans several decades. It all started in the late 1960s with the ARPANET, a project funded by the US Department of Defense. This pioneering network laid the groundwork for what would become the modern Internet.


In the 1970s, the development of TCP/IP protocol helped establish standard methods for data transmission. This was a pivotal moment that set the stage for the Internet we know today. The birth of the World Wide Web in 1989 revolutionized how we access and share information, making it easier for people to connect with content online.


As we moved into the 2000s, social media and mobile Internet began to rise, transforming how we interact with each other. Fast forward to today, and we are witnessing the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the rollout of 5G networks, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in our interconnected world.

A photo showing the timeline of the evolution of the internet

Key Components of the Internet


1. The Network Edge


The network edge is where the Internet connects to end systems, also known as hosts. These hosts include desktop computers, servers, mobile devices, and an increasing number of IoT devices like smart home appliances. Hosts are generally categorized into two types: clients and servers.


  • Clients: Personal devices like PCs and smartphones that request information or services from servers.
  • Servers: More powerful machines that store and distribute web pages, stream videos, relay emails, and provide similar services. Most servers today reside in large data centers, which can house thousands of interconnected servers, forming the backbone of many Internet services we use daily.

An image showing different components of the network edge


2. Access Networks


Access networks physically connect end systems to the first router on a path to other distant systems. There are three main types of access networks:


  • Home Access Networks: These networks enable connectivity within a residential environment, typically using technologies like DSL, cable Internet, or fiber optic connections.
  • Institutional Access Networks: Used by organizations and businesses, these networks are designed to handle the specific needs of large-scale operations, often utilizing high-speed fiber optic connections and complex network architectures to support many user and data-intensive operations.
  • Mobile Access Networks: These networks allow smartphones to connect to the Internet using cellular technologies like 5G.


3. The Network Core


The network core is the heart of the Internet, consisting of a mesh of packet routers and links that interconnect all systems. Routers are specialized devices that direct packets from one network to another, handling the task of packet forwarding to ensure data reaches its intended destination efficiently.


The network core operates based on the principle of packet switching. But what does that mean? When you send an email or load a web page, the data is broken down into smaller chunks called packets. Each packet contains a portion of the data along with information about its source and destination. These packets are sent independently through the network, may take different routes, and can arrive at different times. Once all packets reach their destination, they are reassembled into the original message.


This method has several advantages:

  • It allows the network to handle multiple communications simultaneously, making efficient use of available bandwidth.
  • It provides resilience; if one route is congested or fails, packets can be rerouted through different paths.

An image showing multiple routers connected

Forwarding and Routing


In the network core, two key functions are performed: forwarding and routing. Forwarding is the local action of moving an arriving packet from a router's input link to the appropriate output link based on a forwarding table. When a packet arrives, the router examines its destination address and uses the forwarding table to determine the appropriate output link.


Routing, on the other hand, is the global process of determining the full paths packets take from source to destination. Internet routing algorithms compute the shortest and most efficient paths between any two points on the global network, considering factors such as network topology, traffic conditions, and link capacity.


One of the most important routing protocols on the Internet is BGP (Border Gateway Protocol). BGP is used to exchange routing information between different autonomous systems—large networks or groups of networks typically managed by ISPs or large organizations. Essentially, BGP allows each autonomous system to announce which IP address ranges it can reach, and this information propagates across the Internet.

An imaging showing a basic route forwarding


BGP routers use this data to make routing decisions, choosing the best path for data to travel across multiple autonomous systems. The routing process is dynamic and adaptive—if a link fails or becomes congested, routing algorithms can quickly recalculate paths to ensure data continues to flow efficiently.


Internet Protocols


All activity on the Internet involving communications between network devices is governed by protocols. Protocols are the standard rules that define message formats, the ordering of message exchanges, and expected responses. They are like the language and grammar of the Internet, ensuring that different devices and systems can understand each other.


Some common protocols include:

  • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): Ensures reliable, ordered delivery of data between applications, handling packet acknowledgment and retransmission of lost packets.
  • IP (Internet Protocol): Responsible for addressing and routing packets across the Internet. Every device connected to the Internet has an IP address that acts like a postal address for data packets.
  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): Powers the World Wide Web, defining how messages are formatted and transmitted between web browsers and servers.


When you type a URL into your browser, you're essentially sending an HTTP request to a web server. These protocols and many others work together to enable the complex interactions that occur every time you send an email, stream a video, or browse a website.


The TCP/IP Stack


The Internet Protocol stack, commonly known as the TCP/IP stack, is a conceptual framework that standardizes the protocols used for communication over the Internet. The TCP/IP stack typically consists of four layers:


  1. Application Layer: This layer is closest to the end user and interacts directly with software applications. Protocols in this layer include HTTP for web browsing, SMTP for email, and FTP for file transfers.
  2. Transport Layer: Ensures reliable data transfers between applications. The two main protocols in this layer are TCP and UDP (User Datagram Protocol).
  3. Network Layer: Also known as the IP layer, this layer handles the addressing and routing of data packets across different networks. The main protocols here are IPv4 and IPv6.
  4. Link Layer: Manages the physical connection between devices on the same network segment, dealing with the hardware aspects of network communication.


An image showing the four layers of the internet protocol

These layers work together to enable communication across networks. When you send data, it starts at the application layer and moves down through each layer, with each layer adding its own information—a process called encapsulation. When the data reaches its destination, it moves back up through the layers, with each layer stripping off its information—a process called decapsulation.


This layered approach makes the Internet incredibly flexible and robust, allowing different technologies to be used at different layers without affecting the others. For example, you can switch from a wired to a wireless connection, which is a change at the link layer, without affecting how your web browser functions at the application layer.




The Internet is a complex yet fascinating web of technologies and protocols that work seamlessly together to connect the world. From its humble beginnings with ARPANET to the sophisticated global network we rely on today, the Internet has revolutionized how we communicate, share information, and interact with the world around us. Understanding the key components, such as the network edge, access networks, and the network core, along with the protocols that govern data exchange, provides a deeper appreciation of the Internet's role in our daily lives.


As technology continues to evolve, the Internet will undoubtedly expand its reach and capabilities, bringing us closer to a future where everything is connected. Whether it's the rapid growth of IoT devices, the implementation of 5G, or the continuous improvement of protocols, the Internet's evolution is far from over.